As electricity cost increases so does the rising burden on landlords
The biggest challenge for property owners and landlords is utility management. With the ongoing increase in utility costs in South Africa, installing prepaid meters has become a necessity for landlords to manage their tenant’s usage.
Insist on a Recharger Prepaid Meter!
Property owners are sometimes burdened with large electricity bills resulting from tenants who are not wary of the usage. Most property owners are busy juggling various properties, their lifestyles and facing administrative challenges. However, it is key to provide tenants with easy management tools so both the landlord and tenant can maintain good relations.
In recent years, sub-metering has become a perfect solution for property owners. Prepaid sub-meters are a great solution for commercial properties, industrial complexes, private residences, resorts, BnB’s, apartment blocks, shopping centres and every type of facility where utility management is necessary. A sub-meter is a device that helps the user to control and regulate the usage of electricity. It works like a cellphone, where a user pays upfront through the purchase of vouchers via EFT or till-point vouchers.
Avoid getting stuck with a huge electricity bill
Recharger Prepaid Meters are at the forefront of prepaid metering. Recharger supplies a comprehensive range of single and three-phase sub-meters. The meters are STS compliant and come with a Lifetime Warranty*. Tenants can purchase electricity vouchers from over 10 000 stores, major national retailers and banks nationally.
This significantly reduces the property owners’ administrative duties. It allows landlords to charge tenants the exact amount that they use each month, without having to measure/split bills, check accounts and tariffs. Landlords can monitor usage via an online self-service portal.
Recharger meters are available countrywide at Builders Warehouse, Leroy Merlin, ARB, ACDC Dynamics, and many independent outlets. You can also purchase online on Takealot.com, Loot.co.za and Makro Online.
Control your power…
For more information visit our website on www.recharger.co.za for a wide range of meters.
Source: IOL.co.za
*T’s & C’s apply.