Recharger - Landis & Gyr Three Phase 100Amp (Per Phase) Prepaid Electricity Meter
Recharger - Landis & Gyr Three Phase 100Amp (Per Phase) Prepaid Electricity Meter
Ratings : 3 X 230VAC, 50HZ, 5-80A, Uc2, 2W/10VA
The meter assists in Managing a tenant's utility usage and eliminates disputes whilst offering a cost effective method of metering loads up to a maximum of 100A per phase. The metering and control unit is used in a three phase four wire power network.
User Friendly
Wall based mounting
STS Approved
Warranty: https://recharger.co.za/pages/warranty
Suitable for:
- Individual units / Body Corporates
- Office parks
- Shopping Centres
- Commercial
- Light Industrial
Meter is configured to operate on the Recharger vending platform only.
NB: Meter operates as a sub-meter and does not replace the Municipal/Eskom meter
Recharger - Landis & Gyr Three Phase 100Amp (Per Phase) Prepaid Electricity Meter
Registration form
Meter card
Meter Installation and User Manual